Why Classroom Learning Still Matters: A Critical Look at Hands-on Learning in the Digital Age

Post-Covid-19, the world has witnessed a massive transformation in disseminating information. The education world has also not been untouched by these changes. In fact, modes of delivering education have turned digital, leading to significant growth of online learning. But, the question arises: Is Classroom Learning Still Effective in this Digital Age? As Managing Director of Chandigarh Group of Colleges (CGC), Jhanjeri, I have closely seen the significance of classroom learning in the holistic development of students. As an advocate for quality education, I strongly believe that classroom learning remains indispensable in this digital era. Moreover, I am of the opinion that classroom learning will continue to hold significant value irrespective of technological advancements.

Through this blog, we will critically evaluate why classroom learning offers experiences and opportunities that are irreplaceable, even in this highly digitized world. We will also assess how the traditional, hands-on experience of classroom learning is crucial for shaping modern education.

Value of Human Connection and Social Interaction

In this competitive environment, an individual competes with thousands of people. Classrooms are more than just spaces for academic instruction; they are arenas for building relationships.

Trust and Rapport: In-person interaction between students and teachers develops trust and rapport. This is essential for creating a learning environment to strengthen the basics of any subject or topics. Face-to-face interactions remove the compulsion of time constraint as students get an opportunity to directly talk to their teachers to clear their doubts. On the other hand, digital platforms struggle to replicate it due to several reasons, including digital gap and over dependence on technology.

Immediate dialogue: In-person learning ensures spontaneous and immediate dialogue. Teachers can address questions, clarify doubts and provide feedback in real-time, enhancing learning experience. In some cases, a student needs personal attention and in a classroom setting, it becomes possible to discuss academics-related issues. This dynamic exchange is often less fluid in a digital setting, where interactions can be asynchronous and less personal

Soft Skills: In a physical classroom, students learn to collaborate, and develop social skills critical for both their personal and professional growth. This environment nurtures empathy, teamwork, and a sense of community. Digital platforms cannot replicate the richness of face-to-face communication and lack depth of in-person communication.

The lack of a human connection in online environments can result in disengagement, particularly for students who thrive on interpersonal relationships.

Significance of Real-Time Feedback — A Powerful Tool to Assess Academic Performance

To assess the academic performance of students, real-time feedback is crucial. It helps teachers prepare academic strategies that work for all students. As every student is unique, real-time feedback is an important way to develop plans as per the needs of an individual. To achieve the goal, classroom learning comes handy as it provides immediate, real-time feedback that is critical to the learning process.

When students engage in classroom discussions or ask questions during a lecture, they receive instant responses from their instructors. This allows for the clarification of concepts and correction of misunderstandings on the spot. Moreover, instructors can gauge student comprehension through their expressions and body language, adjusting their teaching methods accordingly.

Online platforms, on the other hand, often rely on delayed feedback, which can hinder student’s progress. Emails or message boards may not always be attended to promptly, and automated grading systems in digital courses can overlook the nuances of student understanding.

Discipline and Structure — Foundation for Long-Term Success

One of the basic requirements to become successful is discipline. Let's take the example of any successful person in your life and observe the discipline that person has followed throughout their life. Classrooms offer a focused space where students can engage in the task without being distracted from external factors, including social media. The discipline instilled through regular class attendance, scheduled assignments, and active participation lays the foundation for long-term success, both academically and professionally.

The structure provided by classroom learning is a key advantage. Attending classes on time, and finishing academic tasks before deadlines foster discipline and time management skills in students. This structure mirrors the expectations of the professional world, where punctuality, accountability, and the ability to meet deadlines are essential.

The traditional classroom environment creates a sense of routine and order, helping students develop the organizational skills they need to succeed in both their academic and professional lives.

At CGC Jhanjeri, we believe in balancing flexibility with structure. While we embrace technology and integrate digital tools into our curriculum, our classrooms remain a vital space for cultivating discipline, focus, and responsibility.

Hands-On Learning and Practical Experience — A Key Element

For a smooth transition from college to professional life, practical knowledge holds utmost importance. Employers always seek practical the ability to engage in hands-on learning. Practical experiences, such as laboratory work, group projects, internships, and workshops, allow students to apply theoretical knowledge in the real-world.

Lab Work and Experiments: Subjects such as science, engineering, and the arts need hands-on learning, and classroom-based education provides the practical experience, making it irreplaceable. This allows students to apply theoretical concepts in a tangible way in the practical setting, an opportunity that is often limited in digital learning environments. In classroom learning, students can conduct experiments, and engage in creative processes.

Take, for instance, a chemistry lab where students conduct experiments using real chemicals and equipment. The tactile experience of measuring, mixing, and observing reactions is far more instructive than watching a virtual simulation. Similarly, engineering students benefit from access to tools and machinery that allow them to bring their designs to life. These hands-on experiences are vital for deepening understanding and developing practical skills, and they are best facilitated in a physical classroom environment.

Interactive Demonstrations: The classroom setting ensures interactive demonstrations and real-time experiments that engage multiple senses. This approach helps students understand complex concepts more effectively and make learning more interesting.

At CGC, Jhanjeri, we emphasize experiential learning through internships, capstone projects, and industry collaborations. We have innovation centers to offer hands-on learning experiences to students, standing them ahead of others. This sharpens their critical thinking, problem-solving skills, and adaptability — traits that are difficult to fully cultivate through online education alone.

Diverse Learning Styles and Adaptability

In a classroom, students from diverse backgrounds come together to learn and explore. Every student learns differently as some are visual learners who grasp concepts quickly through images and diagrams, while others prefer listening to explanations. There are also kinesthetic learners who understand concepts better through hands-on activities. The beauty of classroom learning is that it can cater to these diverse learning styles through a variety of teaching methods. Instructors in classrooms can adapt their teaching strategies based on immediate feedback and classroom dynamics. This flexibility allows for tailored instruction that addresses students’ needs as they arise, ensuring a more personalized learning experience.

Social Skills and Emotional Intelligence: A Way to Promote Intellectual Growth

We have discussed above how classrooms are crucial for developing soft skills. Now, let’s talk about social skills and emotional intelligence. Classroom learning helps develop these skills as students interact with their peers and teachers in real time, learning to communicate effectively, resolve conflicts, and work collaboratively. Emotional intelligence, which involves understanding and managing one’s own emotions as well as empathizing with others, is nurtured through classroom experiences. Group projects, class discussions, and presentations require students to navigate social dynamics, express their ideas clearly, and listen to others’ perspectives.

These skills are important for personal and professional success and are often less emphasized in online learning environments. Besides, students learn how to work effectively with others, a skill that is highly valued in the workplace and is best cultivated through interaction. This also promotes intellectual growth as well as emotional intelligence.

Classroom Learning Ensures Holistic Development Through Extracurricular Activities

We have already talked about the stiff competition in every field, including education. The best way to navigate challenges and difficulties is holistic development. For it, participation in extracurricular activities along with education gives an advantage to an individual. Classrooms are hubs for extracurricular activities such as sports, music, and clubs, which contribute to students' holistic development. These activities provide opportunities for personal growth, creativity, and leadership, enriching the educational experience beyond academic content. Participation in college organizations and events allows students to take on leadership roles and responsibilities. These experiences are instrumental in developing leadership qualities and preparing students for future challenges. Extracurricular activities also foster a sense of belonging and community, which is crucial for students' emotional well-being.

Online learning platforms, while offering academic content, cannot replicate the full breadth of experiences that a school or college campus provides.

I am proud to say that at CGC Jhanjeri, we take classroom education and extracurricular activities very seriously. Our objective is to ensure holistic development of students. The Department of Students Affairs at the CGC Jhanjeri is at the forefront of organizing extracurricular activities to ensure all around development of students.

Cultural and Social Exposure

Classroom brings students from diverse backgrounds together and fosters an environment of cultural exchange and mutual respect. This enriches students’ understanding and prepares them for global challenges. Classrooms help students broaden their worldview and promote cultural awareness. In a classroom setting, students learn to collaborate with peers who have different opinions, beliefs, and customs.

Online learning, on the other hand, can connect students from around the globe, but it often lacks the depth of cultural exchange that occurs in physical classrooms. Face-to-face interactions allow students to engage with one another on a more personal level, deepening their understanding of diversity and inclusion.

Access to Resources and Support Services

Classrooms are equipped with physical resources such as textbooks, laboratory equipment, and educational tools that may not be easily accessible online. These resources enhance students’ learning experience. Colleges often have resources such as libraries, and counseling services, which play a crucial role in student success.

Physical resources such as labs are invaluable for research, experimentation, and collaborative work, offering resources that go beyond what is available in a purely digital form. To adapt to the latest technology, college libraries are well equipped with e-resources.

Online learning platforms, while offering digital resources, often fall short in providing the same level of personalized support. Students may feel isolated or overwhelmed without access to in-person guidance.

The library at CGC Jhanjeri houses more than 49,161 books, over 80 journals and magazines, and more than 1,10,000 e-books and e-journals. The library has a digital section that provides students access to a variety of resources.

Educational Equity and Digital Divide — A Significant Role Played by Classroom Learning

We should also consider the issue of educational equity. Not all students have equal access to digital devices and high-speed internet. Classroom learning helps bridge this digital divide by ensuring that all students have access to quality education, regardless of their technological resources. Traditional classrooms provide a structured learning environment with dedicated support staff who can assist students with varying needs. This structured approach is crucial for creating equitable learning opportunities and addressing the diverse needs of all students. While technology is transforming education in positive ways, it is essential to ensure that it does not widen existing inequalities. Traditional classrooms provide an inclusive environment where students from diverse backgrounds can come together to learn, regardless of their technological capabilities at home.

The Enduring Relevance of Classroom Learning

As we move further into the digital age, it’s essential to recognize the enduring value of classroom learning. While technology continues to transform education, the hands-on, interactive, and personal aspects of a physical classroom cannot be easily replaced.

At CGC, Jhanjeri, we believe in nurturing well-rounded individuals who are not just academically proficient but also socially and emotionally resilient. This is why our classrooms remain at the heart of our educational philosophy. In an era of digital dominance, classroom learning is not just relevant — it is essential for creating the leaders, innovators, and thinkers of tomorrow. By embracing the strengths of both traditional and digital learning methods, we can ensure that our students are equipped with the skills, knowledge, and experiences they need to thrive in an ever-changing world.


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